Dr. Michael Terrell Jackson
Senior Pastor
Dr. Michael Terrell Jackson was called into ministry at a young age and has learned to not compromise the Word Of God. His assignment is to teach foundational truth to the Body Of Christ. His desire is for growth and development in the body of Christ and in the lives of the people at Christian House Of Prayer Jackson MS and the world. He senses the call of God to release the Apostolic voice here in Jackson MS. Dr. Michael has been married to one wife Angela for 33 years , they have two daughters Anisha and Michelle and one Granddaughter.
Dr. Jackson is also an accomplished author and his publications can be found @ https://www.mjacksonpublications.com/
Tel: (601)291-9095 | chopj05@gmail.com

Lady Angela Jackson
First Lady
Lady Angela is a wife, mother, grandmother, and has a professional career as a licensed cosmetologist and interior designer. Though she wears many hats, she has loved and supported her husband in ministry for 16 years. She is truly humbled to serve in ministry behind the scenes and in the forefront when necessary. Lady Angela loves God and people!
Tel: (601)291-9095 | chopj05@gmail.com

Michelle Nix

Chuck Nix